Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Count Down Has Started

Tuesday June 7
Even our cat knows we are getting ready for a trip. Clothes are clumped in piles around the house. Bags (duffle, soft sided because of the trip on the gulet) are being tested for which holds to most. And then the long list of "supplies", camera, spare everything, medicine, snacks, and on and on. The good news for Kit Kat the Magnificant is he will have the house to him self soon. (That is until our sons come home to "chill".) The great news for us is we are soon to headed way east to Turkey.

I have come to understand the value of using a blog.  Younger friends and advisors have confirmed "this is the only way to go".  What they don't know is some of my contemporaries are still not sure how stuff shows up in their in box. (Some even still use AOL!) "Youngers" all say readers can create an RSS connection which will allow you to know each time I post something. I will leave it to you (and your "youngers) to figure out how to do so, if that is of interest. (I think down where you can post a comment is a chance to link by eMail.)

We leave mid day Thursday and arrive sometime Friday. I am sure there will be several movies, a couple of meals, and fitful sleep in the ensuing 14 hours. Let the travel begin......

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